Turkish Bath Antalya (Hammam) Experience

5 (41 Reviews)
Antalya, Turkey
From: €0,00
(41 reviews)


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45 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this activity

Introduction: The Turkish bath, also known as “Hammam,” is a unique cultural experience that traces its roots back to the ancient Roman baths. Today, we invite you to discover one of the finest Turkish baths, where tradition meets modernity in a harmonious blend. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by experienced professionals, our Turkish bath offers an unparalleled level of service and an unforgettable journey through time.

History and Origins: The origins of the Turkish bath can be traced back to the Roman Empire, where bathing was not only a means of personal hygiene but also a social and cultural ritual. The concept was later adopted and refined by the Ottomans, who transformed it into a significant part of their lifestyle.
Architecture and Design: Entering our Turkish bath, you’ll be immediately struck by the captivating architecture and meticulous design. The bath is typically divided into separate sections for men and women, with a central dome and smaller domed rooms surrounding it. These domes create a sense of spaciousness while allowing for the perfect distribution of heat and steam.

The Ritual: Prepare to embark on a holistic journey of rejuvenation as you immerse yourself in the timeless ritual of the Turkish bath. The experience usually begins with a warm-up session in a warm room called the “sıcaklık,” which helps your body adjust to the heat gradually.

Exfoliation and Massage: Next, you’ll move to the “göbektaşı” or central heated marble platform. Here, a skilled therapist will treat you to a vigorous exfoliation using a special glove called a “kese.” This ancient technique removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Foam Massage and Aromatherapy: After the exfoliation, get ready for the ultimate indulgence: the foam massage. Using a large cloth bag filled with fragrant soap bubbles, the therapist will create a luxurious foam cloud and gently massage your body, promoting relaxation and relieving any tension. The soothing scents of aromatherapy oils enhance the overall experience, transporting you to a state of pure bliss.

Relaxation and Refreshment: Following the cleansing rituals, take a moment to unwind in the serene atmosphere of the relaxation area. Lie back on comfortable cushions and enjoy a cup of traditional Turkish tea or indulge in a refreshing fruit-infused drink. Allow your body and mind to fully embrace the tranquility that surrounds you.

Health Benefits: Apart from the undeniable pleasure it provides, the Turkish bath offers numerous health benefits. The deep sweating induced by the steam helps detoxify your body, improves blood circulation, and promotes healthy skin. The massage techniques alleviate muscle tension, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

Etiquette and Tips: To fully appreciate the Turkish bath experience, it’s essential to understand the etiquette and customs. Respect for privacy, modesty, and hygiene is highly valued. It’s customary to bring a towel, a change of clothes, and disposable slippers. Moreover, it’s recommended to drink plenty of water before and after the bath to stay hydrated.

Conclusion: In the heart of our modern Turkish bath, ancient traditions come alive, offering an unforgettable journey that revitalizes the body and nourishes the soul. Immerse yourself in the steamy embrace of our Hammam, where luxury, professionalism, and genuine hospitality merge to create an exceptional experience. Discover the magic of the Turkish bath and indulge in a centuries-old tradition that continues to captivate and rejuvenate visitors from all


  • Visits to the sauna (time is not limited);
  • Visits to the steam bath (time is not limited);
  • Visit in salt room;
  • Peeling with Kese (special gloves);
  • Foam massage;
  • Transfer from / to the hotel;
  • Air-conditioned bus;
  • Insurance.
  • 20 mn aroma therapy massage
  • Any personal expenses (photos, drinks, etc.).
  • Additional services.







Activity's Location

Antalya, Turkey


(41 Reviews)
Very Good
41 reviews on this Activity - Showing 16 to 18
Wyruszyłem na harmonijną podróż do Antalyi, do Tureckiego Łaźniowego (Hammam), gdzie każdy krok wydawał się jak taniec przez elegancję tradycji i współczesnego luksusu. 🌟💆 Arcydzieło architektury, zdobione misternymi detalami, stworzyło mesmeryczną scenę dla doświadczenia, które przenosiło się poza granice czasu. 🕌✨Wchodząc w ciepłe objęcia marmuru, rytuały rozwijały się z delikatną precyzją, prowadzone przez biegłych pracowników, którzy organizowali symfonię odnowy. 🛁🎶 Terapeutyczna para i ekspercki masaż stawały się nutami w kompozycji echa tradycji wieków minionych.Hammam w Antalyi to nie tylko spa; to świętowanie splecionej elegancji tureckiego dziedzictwa. Bezszwowa fuzja starożytnych i nowoczesnych elementów we wszystkich aspektach doświadczenia odzwierciedla zobowiązanie do zachowania istoty kulturowego bogactwa.W tej odysei relaksu, Hammam w Antalyi pojawia się nie tylko jako przystań odprężenia, lecz jako kulturowe sanktuarium, gdzie każdy moment staje się arcydziełem. 🌺🚿 Dla tych, którzy szukają podróży wykraczającej poza zwyczajność, to Tureckie Łaźniowe woła, zapraszając do przejścia przez elegancję, która przeplata się w każdym zakątku. 🌿 #AntalyaHammamSymfonia #ElegancjaOdsłonięta #KulturowaHarmonia #HarmonijnaPodróż
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Embarked on a harmonious journey at Antalya's Turkish Bath (Hammam), where every step felt like a dance through the elegance of traditions and contemporary luxury. 🌟💆 The architectural marvel, adorned with intricate details, created a mesmerizing stage for an immersive experience that transcended the boundaries of time. 🕌✨Entering the warmth of the marble sanctuary, the rituals unfolded with a graceful precision, guided by skilled attendants orchestrating a symphony of rejuvenation. 🛁🎶 The therapeutic steam and expert massage became notes in a composition echoing with the traditions of centuries past.Antalya's Hammam is not merely a spa; it is a celebration of the intertwined elegance of Turkish heritage. The seamless fusion of ancient and modern elements in every facet of the experience reflects a commitment to preserving the essence of cultural opulence.In this odyssey of relaxation, Antalya's Hammam emerges not only as a haven for unwinding but as a cultural sanctuary where every moment is a masterpiece. 🌺🚿 For those seeking a journey that transcends the ordinary, this Turkish Bath beckons, inviting you to navigate the elegance that weaves through its every corner. 🌿 #AntalyaHammamSymphony #EleganceUnveiled #CulturalHarmony #HarmoniousJourney
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Embarked on a sublime journey to Antalya's Turkish Bath (Hammam), where each step felt like an unveiling of entwined elegance, where traditions and modern finesse were woven into a masterpiece. 🌟💆 Majestic architecture adorned with intricate details set the stage for an immersive experience that transcended the bounds of time. 🕌✨As I entered the heated embrace of marble, rituals unfolded with delicate precision, guided by skilled attendants who seemed to choreograph a symphony of renewal. 🛁🎶 Therapeutic steam, refined massage – each element created a sensory spectacle resonating with echoes of age-old traditions.Antalya's Hammam is more than a spa; it's a tribute to the entwined elegance of Turkish heritage. The fusion of antiquity and modernity evident in every aspect of the experience speaks of a commitment to preserving the essence of cultural richness.In this odyssey of elegance, I realize that Antalya's Hammam is not just a place of relaxation but a space where culture becomes art, and every moment is a meisterwerk. 🌺🚿 For those seeking a journey that surpasses the ordinary, this Turkish Bath invites you to immerse yourself in entwined elegance. 🌿 #AntalyaHammamElegance #EntwinedExperience #CulturalFinesse #SublimeJourney
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From: €0,00
5 (41 Reviews)



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