Alanya Jeep Safari Tour at the Best Price

5 (30 Reviews)
Alanya, Turkey
From: €0,00
(30 reviews)


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Group Size

13 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this activity

Tour days: Every day

Embark on the adventure of a lifetime with our Alanya Jeep Safari Tour, a thrilling journey through the breathtaking landscapes of Alanya that promises not just a tour, but an unforgettable experience. Designed for adventure-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike, the Alanya Jeep Safari Tour offers a unique opportunity to explore the rugged terrains and pristine beauty of Alanya’s countryside, all from the comfort of our top-of-the-line jeeps.

As you navigate through the scenic routes, our expert guides will share insights into the natural wonders and historical sites that make Alanya a jewel of the Mediterranean. Whether you’re splashing through waterfalls, climbing steep hills, or stopping for a picturesque picnic, the Alanya Jeep Safari Tour ensures an exhilarating day out. With three mentions of the Alanya Jeep Safari Tour, we assure you this experience is tailored to deliver excitement, adventure, and unforgettable memories at the best price. Don’t miss out on the chance to connect with nature, explore hidden gems, and create stories worth telling. Book your spot today and let the Alanya Jeep Safari Tour be the highlight of your holiday!

The Jeep Safari Tour is an absolute must for anyone visiting the Turkish Riviera. Step away from the poolside and the beach for a while, and immerse yourself in a thrilling adventure that will be etched in your memory forever. With the sun shining above you and excitement in the air, this tour promises a unique and exhilarating experience.

Hop aboard a sturdy Jeep and get ready to explore the most mysterious and awe-inspiring places that are otherwise difficult to reach. As you embark on this safari, you’ll not only witness the wild and untamed beauty of the region but also indulge in an extreme adventure like no other. The Jeep will navigate through rivers, conquer steep descents, and conquer mountain trails, leaving you with an adrenaline rush and unforgettable memories.

Throughout the trip, your skilled driver will make stops at various locations boasting breathtaking panoramas. Take advantage of these moments to capture photographs of the stunning landscapes, traditional villages, charming mosques, and more. Each stop will offer a new and mesmerizing perspective, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty of the surroundings.

Be prepared for surprises along the way, as the Jeep crew is known for their ability to add extra excitement and fun to the journey. Comfortable clothing is essential for this adventure, as you may encounter dirt and get wet during the exhilarating ride.

Let your adventurous spirit soar as you embark on this Jeep Safari Tour, discovering hidden gems and witnessing the unspoiled beauty of the Turkish Riviera. Brace yourself for an adrenaline-pumping experience filled with stunning landscapes, cultural discoveries, and memories that will last a lifetime.
Get ready to unleash your inner explorer and make the most of your time in this remarkable destination. The Jeep Safari Tour promises an adventure like no other, offering a perfect blend of excitement, natural beauty, and cultural immersion.


  • Reservation confirmation: Instant confirmation
  • Printed or mobile coupon: Both are accepted
  • Easy Online Reservation: Fast, Easy and SSL Secure Reservation
  • Cancellation policy: Flexible
  • Wheelchair accessible: Available
  • Experience: No experience required
  • Skip ticket queue: Available


  • Transfer from / to the hotel;
  • Lunch (chicken or fish, beverages excluded);
  • Insurance;
  • English – speaking guide.
  • Personal expenses (souvenirs, photos e.t.c.);
  • Gözleme at nomad tent;
  • Beverages;
  • Ticket to Dim Cave.


Alanya Jeep Safari Tour at the Best Price program is organized as follows;

  • Pick up from Hotel: Your adventure begins with a convenient pickup from your hotel, setting the stage for an exciting day ahead.
  • Stop at Panoramic Point: Pause to soak in breathtaking views that capture the essence of Alanya's natural beauty, a perfect moment for photos.
  • Visit at the Mosque: Experience the cultural richness of the area with a visit to a local mosque, showcasing architectural beauty and tranquility.
  • Stop at the Nomad Tent: Dive into the local heritage with a stop at a nomad tent, offering a glimpse into traditional lifestyles.
  • Stop at Panoramic Point Above the Dam: Another opportunity to embrace stunning vistas, this time from a vantage point above the dam, illustrating Alanya's diverse landscapes.
  • Lunch Break at the Restaurant by Dim River (beverages excluded): Enjoy a delicious lunch at a charming restaurant located by the serene Dim River, a perfect midday rest (note: beverages are not included).
  • Free Time for Swimming (in hot months): Cool off and relax with some free time for swimming during the warmer months, a refreshing break in your adventure.
  • Visit at Dim Cave: Explore the wonders of Dim Cave, marveling at the natural formations and the beauty that lies beneath the earth.
  • Arrival to the Hotel: Conclude your day of adventure with a comfortable return to your hotel, bringing back memories and stories to share.

We do pick up from all the hotels in Alanya and around Alanya.

Important Items to Bring:

  • Camera/Video Camera: To capture your memories.
  • Swimsuit/Bikini, Towel: Necessary for swimming breaks.
  • Sunglasses, Hat, Sunscreen: For sun protection.
  • Money: For additional services not included in the package.






Adventure Tours

Activity's Location

Alanya, Turkey


(30 Reviews)
Very Good
30 reviews on this Activity - Showing 7 to 9
Ge dig ut på en resa som överträffar det vanliga, eftersom Alanya Jeep-Äventyren lovar en exklusiv upplevelse skräddarsydd för skattletare som du! Föreställ dig att navigera genom utmanande terräng, besegra naturens prövningar i bekväma och robusta Jeepar, och känna den rytmiska pulsen av äventyr under dig.Det som gör dessa personliga Jeep-Äventyr unika är den noggranna blandningen av spänning och tillgänglighet. Det handlar inte bara om terrängkörningens spänning; det handlar också om att göra Alanyas underverk tillgängliga för varje passionerad äventyrare. Gör dig redo för ett äventyr som inte bara snabbar upp ditt hjärta utan också passar smidigt in i din budget.Under ledning av erfarna experter kommer du att avslöja hemligheterna i Alanyas varierande landskap. Från geologiska under till det invecklade landskapet av flora och fauna blir varje ögonblick ett penseldrag på tavlan av naturens storhet.Föreställ dig att korsa kristallklara floder, upptäcka dolda grottor och stanna vid hisnande utsiktspunkter – en gemensam äventyrsberättelse med likasinnade. Alanya Jeep-Äventyret är inte bara en vanlig tur; det är en firande av de dolda skatter som naturen avslöjar.Njut av möjligheten att fördjupa dig i Alanyas charm. Boka nu ditt personliga Jeep-Äventyr för en upplevelse noggrant utformad för skattletaren inom dig! 🌿🚙💎 #UpptäckAlanya #DoldaSkatter #PersonligtÄventyr #NaturenVäntar
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Rozpocznij podróż, która przekracza granice zwykłości, ponieważ Alanya Jeep Expeditions obiecują wyjątkowe przeżycie dostosowane do poszukiwaczy ukrytych skarbów. Wyobraź sobie nawigowanie po trudnych terenach, pokonywanie przyrodniczych wyzwań w komfortowych i solidnych Jeepach, poczuwanie rytmicznego pulsowania przygody pod sobą.To, co wyróżnia te spersonalizowane Wyprawy Jeepem, to staranne połączenie ekscytacji z dostępnością. To nie tylko o ekscytującej jazdzie terenowej; to także uczynienie cudów Alanyi dostępnymi dla każdego pasjonata odkryć. Przygotuj się na przygodę, która nie tylko przyspiesza bicie serca, ale również doskonale wpisuje się w Twój budżet.Pod opieką doświadczonych przewodników odkryjesz tajemnice różnorodnych krajobrazów Alanyi. Od geologicznych cudów po misterny krajobraz flory i fauny, każdy moment staje się pociągnięciem pędzla na portrecie wielkości przyrody.Wyobraź sobie pokonywanie krystalicznie czystych rzek, odkrywanie ukrytych jaskiń i zatrzymywanie się na zapierających dech w piersiach punktach widokowych – wspólna przygoda z podobnymi duszami. Alanya Jeep Expedition to nie tylko zwykła wycieczka; to celebracja ukrytych skarbów, jakie natura odsłania.Skorzystaj z okazji, aby zanurzyć się w urokach Alanyi. Zarezerwuj teraz spersonalizowaną Wyprawę Jeepem dla doświadczenia starannie zaprojektowanego z myślą o poszukiwaczu ukrytych skarbów w Tobie! 🌿🚙💎 #OdkryjAlanyę #UkryteSkarby #SpersonalizowanaPrzygoda #NaturaCzeka
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Embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, as the Alanya Jeep Expeditions promise an exclusive experience tailored for seekers of hidden gems. Picture yourself navigating through rugged terrains, conquering nature's challenges in the comfort of robust Jeeps, and feeling the rhythmic pulse of adventure beneath you.What sets these personalized Jeep Expeditions apart is the meticulous fusion of excitement and accessibility. It's not just about off-road thrill; it's about making the wonders of Alanya accessible to every passionate explorer. Get ready for an adventure that not only quickens your pulse but also aligns seamlessly with your budget.Guided by seasoned experts, you'll unravel the mysteries of Alanya's diverse landscapes. From geological wonders to the intricate tapestry of flora and fauna, each moment becomes a brushstroke in the portrait of nature's grandeur.Envision crossing crystal-clear rivers, discovering concealed caves, and pausing at breathtaking viewpoints—a shared adventure with kindred spirits. The Alanya Jeep Expedition isn't just a tour; it's a celebration of the hidden treasures that nature unfolds.Seize the opportunity to immerse yourself in the allure of Alanya. Book your personalized Jeep Expedition now for an experience thoughtfully designed for the seeker of hidden wonders within you! 🌿🚙💎 #DiscoverAlanya #HiddenGems #PersonalizedAdventure #NatureAwaits
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From: €0,00
5 (30 Reviews)



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