Adventurous Alanya Pirate Boat Trip & All Inclusive

5 (31 Reviews)
Alanya, Turkey
From: €0,00
(31 reviews)


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Group Size

45 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this activity

Tours day; Every day

Embark on an unforgettable sea voyage with the Alanya Pirate Boat Trip & All Inclusive, a unique adventure that combines the thrill of exploration with the fun of a pirate-themed escapade. This exclusive journey invites you aboard a magnificent pirate ship, setting sail along the stunning coastline of Alanya, where the azure waters of the Mediterranean meet the sky. The “Alanya Pirate Boat Trip” offers an all-inclusive experience, ensuring that adventurers of all ages can enjoy a day filled with entertainment, relaxation, and the beauty of Turkey’s riviera without any worries.

As the pirate ship navigates through the crystal-clear seas, guests on the Alanya Pirate Boat Trip will be treated to breathtaking views of Alanya’s famous landmarks, including the Red Tower, Old Shipyard, and the Alanya Castle, perched majestically on the cliffs above. The journey is peppered with swimming stops in secluded bays and near pristine beaches, where you can dive into the refreshing waters or simply bask in the sun on the deck.

The all-inclusive aspect of the Alanya pirate boat trip means that guests can enjoy a selection of snacks, soft drinks, and a sumptuous lunch onboard, all included in the experience. The atmosphere is kept lively with entertainment provided by the crew, ensuring that the pirate spirit is alive and well throughout the journey.

Join the Alanya pirate boat trip for a day of adventure on the high seas, where stories of pirates and explorers come to life, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or simply a unique way to see the sights of Alanya, this pirate boat trip promises a treasure trove of experiences.


  • Reservation confirmation: Instant confirmation
  • Printed or mobile coupon: Both are accepted
  • Easy Online Reservation: Fast, Easy and SSL Secure Reservation
  • Cancellation policy: Flexible
  • Wheelchair accessible: Available
  • Experience: No experience required
  • Skip ticket queue: Available


  • Transfer from / to the hotel;
  • Lunch
  • Professional animators;
  • Insurance;
  • Non alcoholic beverages;
  • Personal expenses (souvenirs, photos e.t.c.);
  • Alcoholic beverages,
  • Ice cream.


Adventurous Alanya Pirate Boat Trip & All Inclusive program is organized as follows;

  • Hotel Pickup: Begin your aquatic adventure with a convenient hotel pickup, gearing up for a day of fun and sun.
  • Harbor Arrival: Arrive at the harbor and board the boat that will take you on an unforgettable journey around the Alanya peninsula.
  • Boat Cruise Highlights:
    • Cruise around the Alanya peninsula, visiting notable spots like Pirates Cave and Lovers Cave.
    • Enjoy entertainment on the boat, including opportunities for exhilarating jumps into the water.
  • Swimming Stops: Make stops in the open sea, inviting you to dive in and enjoy the refreshing waters.
  • Lunch on Board: Savor a delicious lunch prepared for you on the boat, adding to the day's enjoyment.
  • Onboard Entertainment:
    • Participate in fun animations and get into the party spirit with a foam disco, ensuring there's never a dull moment.
  • Return to Hotels: After a day filled with adventure, relaxation, and entertainment, return to the harbor and be transported back to your hotels.

We do pick up from all the hotels in Alanya and around Alanya.

Important Items to Bring:

  • Camera/Video Camera: To capture your memories.
  • Swimsuit/Bikini, Towel: Necessary for swimming breaks.
  • Sunglasses, Hat, Sunscreen: For sun protection.
  • Money: For additional services not included in the package.
  • You should wear clothes suitable for the weather conditions and comfortable shoes. 






Boat Tour

Activity's Location

Alanya, Turkey


(31 Reviews)
Very Good
31 reviews on this Activity - Showing 16 to 18
Adventurous Alanya Pirate Boat Trip & All Inclusive
Att ge sig ut på Den Outforskade Piratresan i Alanya var som att hissa segel mot en värld där vågorna viskade hemligheter och legender väntade! 🏴‍☠️⚓ Från den stund det piratfartyget omfamnade vinden, fylldes luften av dragningskraften från oupptäckta skatter, och fartyget förvandlades till en sjöfarande scen av mysterium.När vi kryssade längs den fascinerande Alanya-kusten orkestrerade besättningen, klädd i piratklädsel, en symfoni av spänning. Engagerande aktiviteter, från skattjakter till djärva vattensporter, smälte sömlöst samman med havets rytmiska dans. Den pirattematiserade atmosfären lade till en touch av lekfullhet och skapade en perfekt blandning av äventyr och lugn på det öppna havet.Under de kristallklara djupen vecklade sig en dold undervattensvärld ut och avslöjade marina underverk som tillsatte en nypa förtrollning i vår maritima resa. Kaptenen, en berättare som vävde berättelser om piratens seder och maritim historia, förvandlade expeditionen till en fängslande berättelse som utvecklades med varje passerande våg.För dem som längtar efter en dag där havet blir en duk för utforskning och legender blir levande, är Den Outforskade Piratresan i Alanya en resa mot det okända. Det är inte bara en båttur; det är en expedition som jagar maritima myter och löftet om oupptäckta underverk! #Piratäventyr #HavetsLegender #AlanyaMaritimMysterium #MotDetOkända
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Adventurous Alanya Pirate Boat Trip & All Inclusive
As we cruised along the captivating Alanya coastline, the crew, dressed in pirate regalia, orchestrated a symphony of excitement. Engaging activities, from treasure hunts to daring water sports, blended seamlessly with the rhythmic dance of the sea. The pirate-themed ambiance added a touch of whimsy, creating a perfect fusion of adventure and tranquility on the open waters.Beneath the crystal-clear depths, a hidden underwater world unfolded, revealing marine wonders that added a dash of enchantment to our maritime journey. The captain, a storyteller weaving tales of pirate lore and maritime history, turned the expedition into a captivating narrative that unfolded with each passing wave.For those yearning for a day where the sea becomes a canvas for exploration and legends come to life, the Uncharted Alanya Pirate Quest is a voyage into the unknown. It's not just a boat ride; it's an expedition chasing maritime myths and the promise of undiscovered wonders! #PirateQuest #SeaLegendsJourney #AlanyaMaritimeMystery #ChasingTheUnknown
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Adventurous Alanya Pirate Boat Trip & All Inclusive
Участие в Экстраординарной пиратской экспедиции в Аланье было как поднятие якоря в море захватывающих приключений, где ветер в парусах обещал незабываемые события! 🏴‍☠️⚓ С момента поднятия парусов на пиратском корабле в воздухе царила атмосфера открытий, превращая судно в плавучую арену волнения.Крейсируя вдоль живописного побережья Аланьи, экипаж, украшенный пиратским нарядом, оркестрировал симфонию захватывающих событий. Интерактивные мероприятия, от поисков сокровищ до смелых водных видов спорта, поддерживали высокий уровень адреналина на палубе. Пиратская атмосфера добавляла легкости и игривого шарма всей экспедиции, создавая идеальное сочетание волнующего влечения приключений и спокойствия открытого моря.Под кристально чистыми водами раскрывался скрытый мир подводных чудес, добавляя нотку волшебства всему путешествию. Рассказы капитана о пиратских легендах и морской истории придавали глубину путешествию, создавая захватывающий рассказ, который развивался с каждой проходящей волной.Для тех, кто мечтает о днях, полных морской магии и приключений на открытом море, Экстраординарная пиратская экспедиция в Аланье — это не просто морская прогулка; это путешествие в сердце морских чудес! #ПиратскоеПутешествие #МорскойКвест #АланьяМорскаяОткрытка #ВПутьВНеизведанное

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From: €0,00
5 (31 Reviews)



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