Alanya Rafting Tour & Full Day

5 (32 Reviews)
Manavgat, Turkey
From: €0,00
(32 reviews)

8 Hours


No Cancel

Group Size

45 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this activity

Tour days: Every day

Embark on the exhilarating Alanya Rafting Tour, an adventure that promises to blend the thrill of white-water rafting with the picturesque beauty of Alanya’s natural landscapes. This tour is not just about conquering the rapids; it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the serene beauty of the region’s rivers, flanked by lush forests and dramatic canyons. The Alanya rafting tour offers a perfect escape for those seeking adventure, fun, and a chance to connect with nature.

As you navigate through the bubbling torrents and calm stretches of the river, the Alanya rafting tour provides an adrenaline-pumping experience that is suitable for both beginners and seasoned rafters. Under the guidance of our professional and experienced instructors, you’ll learn to paddle through the rapids, work as a team, and most importantly, have an unforgettable time on the water.

The tour includes all necessary equipment and safety briefings, ensuring that your adventure is not only thrilling but also safe. After an exciting day on the river, you can relax and share stories of your rafting exploits with fellow adventurers.

Join the Alanya Rafting Tour for a day filled with excitement, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Whether you’re splashing through the rapids or floating along serene waters, this tour offers a unique way to experience the beauty of Alanya and the exhilaration of white-water rafting.


  • Hotel pickup & drop-off
  • Lunch
  • Tour guide
  • Insurance during program
  • Equipment: Lifevest, helmet, and paddle
  • Drinks
  • Photos & DVD


Alanya Rafting Tour program is organized as follows;

  • Hotel Pickup: Enjoy the convenience of being picked up from your hotel in air-conditioned transportation to start your adventure.
  • Arrival at Koprulu Canyon: Upon reaching, receive all the necessary equipment for your rafting journey, including a life vest, helmet, and paddle. Additional gear, like suitable footwear, is available for purchase if needed.
  • Safety Briefing and Preparation: Get fully equipped and listen to a comprehensive safety briefing to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience on the Koprucay River.
  • Rafting Adventure Begins: Embark on a thrilling 14-kilometer rafting journey down the Koprucay River, navigating through exciting rapids and soaking in the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Lunch Break: Pause your adventure for a delicious lunch, a perfect time to recharge before continuing your rafting experience.
  • Capturing Memories: At the adventure's conclusion, watch a captivating movie and view photos of your day (available for purchase), capturing the excitement of your experience.
  • Change and Refresh: After your rafting journey, change into fresh attire, preparing for a comfortable ride back.
  • Hotel Return: Conclude your exhilarating day with a relaxing return trip to your hotel, carrying with you the memories of an unforgettable adventure.

We do pick up from all the hotels in Alanya and around Alanya.

Important Items to Bring:

  • Camera/Video Camera: To capture your memories.
  • Swimsuit/Bikini, Towel: Necessary for swimming breaks.
  • Sunglasses, Hat, Sunscreen: For sun protection.
  • Money: For additional services not included in the package.
  • You should wear clothes suitable for the weather conditions and comfortable shoes. 






Adventure Tours

Activity's Location

Manavgat, Turkey


(32 Reviews)
Very Good
32 reviews on this Activity - Showing 13 to 15
Alanya Rafting Tour & Full Day
Embarking on the Koprulu Canyon Rafting Tour & Full Day was like embarking on a journey through the serene ebb and flow of nature's enchanting tapestry! 🌊 The river, weaving through majestic cliffs and lush greenery, became a canvas for a composition of tranquility and moments of awe.Guided by nature's custodians, our expert guides not only led us through the rhythmic dance of rapids but also unraveled the geological poetry etched into the canyon's ancient stones. It was more than a river adventure; it was a harmonious exploration into the heart of Koprulu's natural serenity.The camaraderie formed with fellow adventurers turned each bend of the river into a shared verse. Amidst the dance of rapids and the gentle whispers of the river, the day unfolded as a poetic interplay between adrenaline-fueled excitement and serene reflections.Hats off to the organizers for orchestrating an experience that seamlessly blended the thrill of adventure with the gentle whispers of Koprulu Canyon. This was more than a rafting tour; it was an invitation to glide along the currents of nature's tranquility. 🏞️🍃 #KopruluSerenity #RiverElegance #NatureHarmony #CollectiveAdventure #WhispersOfWilderness #JourneyToTranquility
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Alanya Rafting Tour & Full Day
Die Teilnahme an der Koprulu Canyon Rafting Tour & Full Day fühlte sich an wie eine Reise durch die von der Natur inspirierte Symphonie, in der jede Stromschnelle und jede ruhige Strecke eine einzigartige Note in der Melodie des Abenteuers spielte! 🌊 Der Fluss, der sich durch majestätische Klippen und üppiges Grün schlängelte, wurde zu unserer Leinwand für eine Komposition aus Aufregung und stiller Besinnung.Geleitet von Maestros der Wildnis führten uns unsere erfahrenen Guides nicht nur durch die aufregenden Stromschnellen, sondern enthüllten auch die geologischen Verse, die in den alten Felsen von Koprulu geschrieben standen. Es war nicht nur eine Flussexpedition; es war eine harmonische Reise in das Herz der Naturmusik.Die mit unseren Mitabenteurern geschmiedete Bindung verwandelte jede Welle im Fluss in einen gemeinsamen Vers. Inmitten des Rauschs der Stromschnellen und der Gelassenheit des Flusses wurde der Tag zu einem poetischen Zusammenspiel zwischen adrenalingefüllten Crescendos und friedlichen Refrains.Hochachtungsvoller Applaus an die Organisatoren, die ein Erlebnis orchestrierten, das die Aufregung des Abenteuers mit den sanften Flüstern von Koprulu Canyon verband. Dies war mehr als nur eine Raftingtour; es war eine Einladung, zu den Harmonien der Wildnis zu tanzen. 🏞️🎵 #KopruluHarmonien #FlussSymphonie #NaturHarmonie #GemeinsamesAbenteuer #MelodienDerWildnis #ReiseInsHerz
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Alanya Rafting Tour & Full Day
Embarking on the Koprulu Canyon Rafting Tour & Full Day felt like joining a nature-inspired symphony, where every rapid and calm stretch played a unique note in the melody of adventure! 🌊 The river, winding through majestic cliffs and verdant greenery, became our canvas for a composition of excitement and serene reflection.Guided by maestros of the wilderness, our expert guides not only led us through the exhilarating rapids but also unveiled the geological verses written in the ancient rocks of Koprulu. It wasn't just a river expedition; it was a harmonious journey into the heart of nature's own music.The bond forged with fellow adventurers turned each ripple in the river into a shared verse. Amidst the rush of rapids and the tranquility of the river's embrace, the day became a poetic interplay between adrenaline-fueled crescendos and peaceful refrains.Hats off to the organizers for orchestrating an experience that blended the thrill of adventure with the gentle whispers of Koprulu Canyon. This was more than a rafting tour; it was an invitation to dance to the rhythms of the wild. 🏞️🎵 #RhythmsOfKoprulu #RiverSymphony #NatureHarmony #CollectiveAdventure #MelodiesOfWilderness #JourneyToTheHeart
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From: €0,00
5 (32 Reviews)



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