Private Boat Trip in Side

5 (13 Reviews)
Side, Turkey
From: €0,00
(13 reviews)


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Group Size

6 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this activity

Important Note: The price for 1-6 people is 460 euros. Extra 110 euros per person.

Embark on an exclusive journey along the captivating shores of the Mediterranean with our Private Boat Trip in Side, where every moment is tailored to your personal preferences and desires. This bespoke experience offers you the luxury of exploring the hidden gems of Side’s coastline, away from the crowds, aboard your private vessel.

The Private Boat Trip in Side is the epitome of privacy and exclusivity, allowing you and your loved ones to soak in the sun on deck, dive into the crystal-clear waters for a swim, or simply relax as you glide over the waves, all at your own pace. Our experienced crew is dedicated to creating a personalized itinerary that can include secluded beaches, ancient ruins visible from the sea, and the perfect spots for snorkeling in the vibrant underwater world.

This Private Boat Trip in Side not only promises breathtaking views and serene moments but also an intimate exploration of the picturesque landscapes and historical sites that dot the coastline. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or seeking a tranquil escape, our private boat trip offers the ultimate way to experience the beauty of Side. Enjoy gourmet dining options onboard, sunset views that paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, and the luxury of crafting your day exactly how you dream it to be, making your trip an unforgettable journey across the turquoise waters.


  • Reservation confirmation: Instant confirmation
  • Printed or mobile coupon: Both are accepted
  • Easy Online Reservation: Fast, Easy and SSL Secure Reservation
  • Cancellation policy: Flexible
  • Wheelchair accessible: Available
  • Experience: No experience required
  • Skip ticket queue: Available


  • Transfer from / to the hotel;
  • Boat trip;
  • Insurance;
  • Non alcoholic beverages, local alcoholic beverages. ;
  • Lunch
  • Personal expenses (souvenirs, photos e.t.c.);


  1. Enjoy the Beauty of the Sea: Boat tours and excursions offer unparalleled opportunities to immerse yourself in the stunning beauty of the sea.

  2. Create Lasting Memories: Our Private Boat Trip in Side is designed to make your special days truly unforgettable, leaving a lasting impression on you and your loved ones.

  3. Professional and Experienced Staff: With our reliable and experienced crew, you can rest assured that your private boat trip will be in capable hands.

  4. Tailored to Your Needs: We understand that every occasion is unique, which is why we offer customizable options to ensure your private boat trip perfectly suits your preferences.

  5. Seamless Organization: Our team is dedicated to providing you with a seamless and hassle-free experience from start to finish.

  6. Unmatched Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We go above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of your private boat trip exceeds your expectations.

  7. Explore Side's Coastline: Cruise along the picturesque coastline of Side, taking in breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and its stunning surroundings.

  8. Luxurious Amenities: Relax and unwind on board your private vessel, equipped with luxurious amenities to enhance your experience.

  9. Custom Itineraries: Whether you prefer sightseeing, swimming in secluded coves, or simply soaking up the sun, we can tailor your itinerary to suit your desires.

  10. Memorable Celebrations: Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or any special occasion in style with a private boat trip that promises to make your day truly memorable.

  11. Safe and Secure: Your safety is our utmost concern. We adhere to strict safety protocols to ensure a worry-free journey for you and your guests.

Pick up from hotels in Side for a private boat tour in Side.

Important Items to Bring:

  • Camera/Video Camera: To capture your memories.
  • Swimsuit/Bikini, Towel: Necessary for swimming breaks.
  • Sunglasses, Hat, Sunscreen: For sun protection.
  • Money: For additional services not included in the package.






Boat Tour

Activity's Location

Side, Turkey


(13 Reviews)
Very Good
13 reviews on this Activity - Showing 1 to 3

Sailing Serenity: Navigating Side's Coastal Charms with a Touch of Luxury

This extraordinary escapade unfurls a day painted with exclusive seascapes, serene waters, and an exquisite dance of nature's wonders, all accompanied by impeccable service.From the very beginning, the company's crew choreographed an elegant ballet of professionalism and genuine warmth. Their meticulous attention to our safety and comfort set the stage for an unforgettable voyage. Our guide, a virtuoso of maritime knowledge, regaled us with tales of coastal wonders, enriching our seafaring experience.The secluded coves and pristine beaches unveiled during the boat trip were like movements in a tranquil novel. The clear azure waters, sunlit sandy shores, and the untouched beauty of nature formed a serene tableau. On-board delicacies, a symphony of high-end snacks and beverages, heightened the sensory experience, making every pause a delightful interlude.The allure of a private boat tour lies in the exclusivity it offers—a haven of luxury away from the ordinary. It fosters an intimate connection with the sea, providing moments of lavish repose. The flexibility to anchor at selected spots for a leisurely swim or a sun-soaked reverie added a personalized crescendo to our maritime adventure.This private boat retreat in Side has etched memories that resonate like the lingering notes of a beautiful melody. The gentle embrace of the sea, the captivating landscapes, and the impeccable service compose an irresistible sonnet that beckons for a return encore on future vacations. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend this experience to those seeking a poetic harmony of sea and serenity!
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Havsfärd i Elegans: Utforska Sides Dolda Skatter på en Privat Båttur

Den privata båtturen i Side är som en resa till ett marint paradis. Denna extraordinära expedition lovar en dag fylld med exklusiva vyer, lugna vatten och en perfekt balans mellan naturens under och en makalös service.Redan från början imponerade företagets team med en perfekt kombination av professionalism och värme. Deras noggranna uppmärksamhet på vår säkerhet och komfort lade grunden för ett oförglömligt äventyr. Vår kunniga guide, en maestro av nautisk kunskap, berikade vår resa med fängslande insikter om de betydelsefulla punkterna längs vår sjöfärd.De dolda vikarna och orörda stränderna som vi upptäckte under båtturen var verkligt fantastiska. De kristallklara turkosa vattnen, solkyssta sandstränderna och den naturliga skönheten runt omkring oss skapade en scen som liknade paradiset. De delikata godsakerna ombord, en symfoni av högkvalitativa snacks och drycker, förhöjde varje ögonblick till en läcker paus.Förtjusningen med en privat båttur ligger i dess förmåga att vara en personlig tillflyktsort borta från det vanliga. Den främjar en intim anslutning med havet, vilket ger stunder av eftertanke och avkoppling. Flexibiliteten att ankra på valda platser för ett uppfriskande dopp eller att sola lade en personlig touch till vår sjöfärd.Denna privata båtutflykt i Side vävde minnen som kommer att definiera vår semester. Havets mjuka omfamning, de betagande landskapen och den felfria servicen får oss att fundera på att återvända på framtida semestrar. Jag rekommenderar varmt denna upplevelse till alla som söker en extraordinär symfoni av hav och frid!
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de marki

Seereise der Extraklasse: Side's Verborgene Schönheiten auf einer Privaten Bootstour

Von Beginn an beeindruckte das Team des Unternehmens mit einer perfekten Mischung aus Professionalität und Herzlichkeit. Ihre sorgfältige Aufmerksamkeit für unsere Sicherheit und Bequemlichkeit legte den Grundstein für ein unvergessliches Abenteuer. Unser sachkundiger Reiseleiter führte uns mit fesselnden Einblicken durch die bedeutsamen Punkte entlang unserer maritimen Route.Die versteckten Buchten und unberührten Strände, die wir während der Bootsfahrt entdeckten, waren von unschätzbarem Wert. Die kristallklaren, türkisblauen Gewässer, sonnendurchflutete Sandstrände und die natürliche Pracht um uns herum erschufen eine Szenerie wie aus dem Bilderbuch. Die kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten an Bord, bestehend aus hochwertigen Snacks und Getränken, machten jeden Moment zu einem genussvollen Erlebnis.Besonders reizvoll ist die private Bootstour, die eine Oase der Ruhe abseits der Massen bietet. Die Möglichkeit, an ausgewählten Stellen für ein erfrischendes Bad oder sonnengetränkte Momente anzulegen, verlieh unserer Seereise eine persönliche Note.Diese private Bootsexpedition in Side webte Erinnerungen, die unseren Urlaub prägten. Die sanfte Umarmung des Meeres, die atemberaubende Küstenlandschaft und der makellose Service laden uns dazu ein, in künftigen Urlauben zurückzukehren. Ohne jegliche Zweifel empfehle ich dieses Erlebnis jedem, der nach einer außergewöhnlichen Mischung aus Luxus und maritimer Pracht sucht!
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From: €0,00
5 (13 Reviews)



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