Guided Alanya City Tour & Byzantine Fortress and Red Tower

5 (36 Reviews)
Alanya, Turkey
From: €0,00
(36 reviews)

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

45 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this tour

Introduction: The Alanya City Tour provides an excellent opportunity to discover the charming streets, hospitable locals, scenic mountain roads, and the main attractions of this popular resort city. Located on the southern coast of the Antalya region, Alanya is a delightful destination with a rich history. From its ancient origins as Coracesium to its role as a haven for smugglers and pirates in Roman times, Alanya offers a fascinating blend of ancient architecture, natural wonders, and breathtaking views. Embark on this tour to uncover the hidden gems of Alanya and experience its unique charm.

The Byzantine Fortress and the Red Tower: Begin your Alanya City Tour with a visit to the Byzantine fortress, an iconic landmark that overlooks the city. Perched on top of a mountain, the fortress provides a panoramic view of the city and the mesmerizing shades of blue and green of the sea. Marvel at the architectural marvels of the fortress walls, which stretch for 8 kilometers and took over 12 years to construct. Among the 50 towers embedded in the walls, the Red Tower (Kizil Kule) stands out as the most beautiful, rising to a height of 29 meters.

Exploring the Pirate Past: Delve into the intriguing pirate past of Alanya as you discover the numerous caves scattered along the coast. These caves, accessible only by sea, serve as reminders of the city’s history as a refuge for pirates. One notable cave is Kızlar Magarasi, believed to have been used by pirates to hide the women they abducted during their raids. Another famous cave is the Damlatas Cave, renowned for its surreal shapes, stalactites, and stalagmites. This 15,000-year-old cave offers a unique atmosphere with a temperature of around 22-23 degrees Celsius and high humidity, creating favorable conditions for the treatment of respiratory ailments such as asthma.

Conclusion: The Alanya City Tour presents an enchanting journey through history and natural wonders. From the ancient Byzantine fortress with its panoramic views to the captivating caves that tell tales of the city’s pirate past, this tour offers a glimpse into Alanya’s rich heritage. Immerse yourself in the vibrant streets, interact with the friendly locals, and admire the picturesque ruins and scenic landscapes. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the fascinating Damlatas Cave, known for its therapeutic properties. Join the Alanya City Tour and discover the beauty, history, and cultural treasures of this captivating resort city on the southern coast of the Antalya region.


  • Reservation confirmation: Instant confirmation
  • Printed or mobile coupon: Both are accepted
  • Easy Online Reservation: Fast, Easy and SSL Secure Reservation
  • Cancellation policy: Flexible
  • Wheelchair accessible: Available
  • Experience: No experience required
  • Skip ticket queue: Available


  • Transfer from / to the hotel;
  • Air-conditioned bus;
  • Insurance;
  • English speaking guide;
  • Any personal expenses (photos, souvenirs, etc.);
  • Beverages;
  • Cable Car ticket;
  • Entrance ticket to Damlataş cave.


Guided Alanya City Tour & Byzantine Fortress and Red Tower program is organized as follows;

  • Round-Trip Hotel Transfer: Enjoy the convenience of round-trip transportation from your hotel.
  • 6 Hours of Free Time in Alanya Center: Spend 6 hours at your leisure in the center of Alanya, allowing you ample time to explore and experience the city's vibrant culture and attractions.
  • Opportunity to Tour Alanya: Take advantage of the opportunity to tour Alanya, discovering its historic sites, beautiful beaches, and bustling markets at your own pace.

We do pick up from all the hotels in Alanya and around Alanya.

Important Items to Bring:

  • Camera/Video Camera: To capture your memories.
  • Swimsuit/Bikini, Towel: Necessary for swimming breaks.
  • Sunglasses, Hat, Sunscreen: For sun protection.
  • Money: For additional services not included in the package.

NOTE! Children under 6 y.o. doesn’t have a separate place to sit, they are sitting on parents’ lap. If you want to have a separate place for your child, choose an option for children 6-10 y.o.

*According to the rule by the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, children under 8 years of age discounted admission to museum sites and must have their passport with them for registration.

The discount is based on the year of birth, not the date of birth. (for example, 2022-8=2014). It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that the child's age is correct when booking the tour.






City Tour

Tour's Location

Alanya, Turkey


(36 Reviews)
Very Good
36 reviews on this Tour - Showing 7 to 9

Geführte Stadttour, Byzantinische Festung und Rote Turm-Erkundung

Begib dich auf eine unvergessliche Reise durch die bezaubernden Straßen von Alanya mit unserer Geführten Stadttour, bei der antike Geschichte und architektonische Wunder, darunter die imposante Byzantinische Festung und der ikonische Rote Turm, im Mittelpunkt stehen. Tauche ein in das reiche Erbe und die atemberaubenden Ausblicke, die Alanya ausmachen.🚶‍♂️ Spaziergang durch Historische Gassen Schlendere durch die historischen Gassen von Alanya, wo jede Ecke Geschichten erzählt. Unser erfahrener Reiseleiter wird dir die verborgenen Schätze der Stadt zeigen, von lebhaften Märkten bis zu charmanten Plätzen, und dabei einen Einblick in die authentische Seele von Alanya geben.🏰 Byzantinische Festung: Hüterin der Antike Steige auf zu den majestätischen Höhen der Byzantinischen Festung, einer stillen Zeugin von Jahrhunderten Geschichte. Erkunde die gut erhaltenen Mauern, Türme und Überreste, die als Hüter des strategischen Erbes von Alanya dienen und dabei atemberaubende Ausblicke auf das Mittelmeer bieten.🌅 Panoramablicke vom Roten Turm Bestaune die Pracht des Roten Turms, einem ikonischen Wahrzeichen, das die Silhouette von Alanya seit Jahrhunderten prägt. Steige auf seinen Gipfel und genieße Panoramablicke, die sich von der Stadtkulisse bis zur glitzernden Küste erstrecken und die zeitlose Schönheit von Alanya einfangen.🌊 Hafenidylle Genieße Momente der Ruhe im Hafen von Alanya, wo das sanfte Rauschen des Mittelmeers auf die lebhafte Energie der Stadt trifft. Mach eine entspannte Pause, vielleicht bei einer Tasse traditionellen türkischen Tees, und genieße die harmonische Verbindung von Küstenzauber und Geschichte.Begleite uns auf dieser faszinierenden Reise, während wir die Schichten der Geschichte von Alanya enthüllen, von den antiken Gassen über die Erhabenheit der Byzantinischen Festung bis zu den Panoramablicken vom Roten Turm. 🌇🏰 #AlanyaEnthüllt #ByzantinischeFestung #RoterTurmErkundung
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Ruszyć w fascynującą podróż przez urokliwe uliczki Alanyi z naszym Przewodnikiem po Mieście, to odkrywanie tajemnic starożytnych zabytków, takich jak imponująca Twierdza Bizantyńska czy ikoniczna Czerwona Wieża. Zanurz się w bogatą historię i malownicze widoki, które definiują piękno Alanyi.🚶‍♂️ Spacer przez Zabytkowe Ulice Przechadzaj się uliczkami Alanyi, gdzie każdy krok otwiera przed tobą historię. Nasz doświadczony przewodnik poprowadzi Cię przez zabytkowe miejsca, rynki pełne życia oraz urokliwe zakątki, ukazując autentyczną duszę Alanyi.🏰 Twierdza Bizantyńska: Stróżka Antyku Wznies się na majestatyczne wzgórza Twierdzy Bizantyńskiej, niemego świadka wieków historii. Zwiedź dobrze zachowane mury, wieże i ślady przeszłości, które stoją jako stróżowie strategicznego dziedzictwa Alanyi, oferując jednocześnie zapierające dech w piersiach widoki na Morze Śródziemne.🌅 Panoramiczne Widoki z Czerwonej Wieży Podziwiaj wielkość Czerwonej Wieży, ikonicznego symbolu panoramy Alanyi. Wspięcie się na jej szczyt pozwoli Ci podziwiać panoramiczne widoki rozciągające się od centrum miasta po migoczące wybrzeże, uchwycając tym samym czasową urodę Alanyi.🌊 Spokój Portu Odczuwaj chwile spokoju w porcie Alanyi, gdzie szum Morza Śródziemnego snuje opowieści. Zrób sobie krótką przerwę, być może przy filiżance tradycyjnej tureckiej herbaty, i rozkoszuj się harmonią wybrzeża i historii.Dołącz do naszej fascynującej podróży, gdy odkrywamy warstwy historii Alanyi, od starożytnych uliczek, przez wzniosłość Twierdzy Bizantyńskiej, po panoramiczne widoki oferowane przez Czerwoną Wieżę. 🌇🏰 #OdkryjAlanyę #TwierdzaBizantyńska #CzerwonaWieża
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"Embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of Alanya with our Guided City Tour, where ancient history meets architectural marvels, including the awe-inspiring Byzantine Fortress and the iconic Red Tower. Immerse yourself in the rich heritage and panoramic beauty that define Alanya.🚶‍♂️ Historic City Exploration Stroll through the time-worn streets of Alanya as our expert guide reveals the city's hidden treasures. From bustling markets to charming corners, experience the authentic essence of Alanya's past and present.🏰 Byzantine Fortress: Guardian of Antiquity Ascend to the commanding heights of the Byzantine Fortress, a silent witness to centuries of history. Explore the well-preserved walls, towers, and artifacts that stand as guardians of Alanya's strategic legacy, all while enjoying breathtaking views of the Mediterranean.🌅 Red Tower Panorama Behold the grandeur of the Red Tower, an iconic symbol of Alanya's skyline. Ascend to its summit for panoramic views that stretch from the cityscape to the shimmering coastline, capturing the timeless beauty of Alanya.🌊 Harbor Tranquility Indulge in moments of tranquility at Alanya's harbor, where the Mediterranean whispers tales of the sea. Take a serene break, perhaps with a cup of traditional Turkish tea, and savor the harmonious blend of coastal charm and history.Join us on this captivating journey as we unravel the layers of Alanya's history, from the ancient streets to the heights of the Byzantine Fortress and the panoramic vistas offered by the Red Tower. 🌇🏰 #AlanyaUnveiled #ByzantineFortress #RedTowerDiscovery 🏰🌟
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From: €0,00
5 (36 Reviews)



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