Antalya City Tour from Belek

5 (33 Reviews)
Antalya, Turkey
From: €0,00
(33 reviews)

10 Hours

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

45 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this tour

Departure Location: Antalya
Event days: Tuesday Thursday Saturday

Tour duration (approximately): 10 Hours
Tour guidance and welcome:  English , Turkish , German , Russian
Reservation confirmation:  Instant confirmation
Printed or mobile coupon: Both are accepted.
Wheelchair accessible:  Available
Easy Online Reservation: Fast, Easy and SSL Secure Reservation
Cancellation policy:  Flexible
Skip ticket queue:  Available
Other Departures:


  • Pick-up and drop off at your hotel
  • Tour Guiding
  • Lunch - Turkish eat
  • Entrance fee to Duden waterfalls
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday: Includes cable car ride only
  • Boat trip around Antalya island (only, but not together with cable car)
  • Drinks & Personal expenses


Are you ready for a city tour full of natural and historical beauties of Antalya? We will pick you up from your hotel in the morning and start with a guide, and we will stop by the most popular spots of Antalya. Our first stop will be Düden Waterfall, which is among the natural beauties of Antalya. Here, our guide will give you information about the natural formation and history of the waterfall. Later, we will pass to Kale İçi, where the historical texture of Antalya is preserved. Here we will visit Hadrian's Gate and discover traces of the Roman period. The next stop of our tour will be Antalya Old Port. Here, you will spend time in a beautiful atmosphere where ancient buildings and modern life are blended. Afterwards, you can examine local products at Antalya Grant Bazaar and leave with sweet memories. After the tour, we offer the opportunity to take a cable car tour for those who want to enjoy the view of Antalya. After the cable car tour, you can explore the museums in Antalya in your spare time or taste local delicacies at the restaurants. There are many options in side-exclusive to offer you all kinds of possibilities during your tour. In your spare time, you can explore the museums in Antalya, visit historical and cultural sites or enjoy the sea and the sun. In addition to tasting local delicacies, you can also try selected dishes from the world cuisine at the restaurants included in our tour. Do not miss this unforgettable Antalya city tour. Book now and enjoy your holiday!

For Antalya city tour from Belek, pickup and drop-off from all hotels in Belek, Kadriye and Boğazkent regions are included in the tour price.

Tour program of Antalya city tour from Belek During your holiday in Belek spare a time to visit beautiful Antalya city! Head to the city centre of Antalya, where you can explore the cultural attractions and stunning architecture this city has to offer! Pick up from all the hotels in Belek (Boğazkent, Belek and Kadriye) 25 minutes visiting of Antalya waterfall (lower Düden waterfall) 30 minutes visiting of homemade local Antalya jams factory 45 minutes visit to the upper Düden waterfall Lunch at Adana Ocakbasi restaurant (Kebap restaurant) Belek - Antalya city Tour Program 1: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday: Only the cable car is included, the boat tour is not included. ** Tünektepe Cable Car is closed from Monday, 23.01.2023 until Tuesday, 14 March 2023 due to annual maintenance work. Belek Antalya city Tour program 2: EVERYDAY: Only boat tour around Antalya island is included, cable car is not included. 1.5 hours of free time around the Antalya bazaar and ancient harbor in the center of Antalya End of tour and return to hotels in Belek region. We try to comply with the tour timing as much as possible, however, there may be delays in the return time to the hotels due to various reasons during the tour. * The order of visiting places may differ * Tünektepe cable car may be out of service in bad weather conditions Düden Waterfall is open between 08:00 and 19:30 in the summer months, and generally does not accept new visitors after 18:00 in the winter months.






City Tour

Tour's Location

Antalya, Turkey


(33 Reviews)
Very Good
33 reviews on this Tour - Showing 1 to 3
antalya city tour

Wyjątkowa Wycieczka po Antalyi z Beleku

Udział w wycieczce po Antalyi z Beleku był przełomową odyseją, która przerosła wszelkie oczekiwania, odkrywając bogactwo historii, kultury i piękna naturalnego Antalyi. Od majestatycznej Bramy Hadriana, stojącej jak strażnik starożytności, po labiryntowe uliczki Starego Miasta, które emanują ponadczasowym urokiem, każdy krok rozbrzmiewał echem cywilizacji minionych wieków. Przewodnicy nie tylko przekazywali fakty, ale byli pasjonatami opowieści, ożywiając historie miasta i tworząc immersive przeżycie, które wychodziło poza tradycyjne zwiedzanie.Podczas podróży przez wieki wycieczka płynnie splecionała starożytność z nowoczesnością, oferując spojrzenie na różnorodne oblicze Antalyi. Kalejdoskop barw na bazarch, szepty historii rozchodzące się między starożytnymi strukturami a ciepła gościnność miejscowej ludności, wszystko to przyczyniło się do wzbogacającej ekspedycji.Nie można przeoczyć zapierających dech w piersiach krajobrazów, które się rozpościerały, ujmując zmysły na każdym kroku. Od lazurowych odcieni Morza Śródziemnego po bujne zielone otoczenie miasta, naturalne piękno Antalyi stanowiło tło dla jej historycznej świetności.Ta wycieczka to nie tylko podróż; to odyseja odkrywania. Symfonia widoków i dźwięków, która pozostawia niezatarte wrażenie, zachęcając podróżnych do zagłębienia się w serce Antalyi. Dla tych, którzy poszukują głębokiej eksploracji, gdzie każdy moment to rozdział w epickiej opowieści, Antalya City Tour z Beleku to absolutne "must-have". #AntalyaCityTour #BelekPrzygoda #BezczasowaOdyseja #KulturoweOdkrycie"
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antalya city tour

Zeitreise durch Antalya: Eine Exquisite Stadtführung von Belek aus

Die Teilnahme an der Antalya City Tour von Belek aus war eine transformative Odyssee, die alle Erwartungen übertraf und Antalyas reiches Geflecht aus Geschichte, Kultur und natürlicher Schönheit enthüllte. Vom majestätischen Hadrianstor, das als Hüter der Antike steht, bis zu den labyrinthartigen Gassen der Altstadt, die zeitlose Anmut ausstrahlen, hallte jeder Schritt von den Echos vergangener Zivilisationen wider. Die Guides waren nicht nur Überbringer von Fakten, sondern leidenschaftliche Geschichtenerzähler, die die Erzählungen der Stadt zum Leben erweckten und ein immersives Erlebnis schufen, das über das traditionelle Sightseeing hinausging.Während wir durch die Jahrhunderte wanderten, verwebte die Tour nahtlos das Alte und das Moderne, bot Einblicke in die vielfältigen Facetten Antalyas. Der Kaleidoskop von Farben auf den Basaren, das Flüstern der Geschichte, das durch die antiken Strukturen hallte, und die herzliche Gastfreundschaft der Einheimischen trugen alle zu einer bereichernden Expedition bei.Man kann die atemberaubenden Landschaften nicht übersehen, die sich entfalteten und die Sinne an jeder Ecke fesselten. Von den azurblauen Schattierungen des Mittelmeers bis zur üppigen grünen Umgebung, die die Stadt umrahmte, diente die natürliche Schönheit Antalyas als Kulisse für ihre historische Größe.Diese Stadtführung ist nicht nur eine Reise; es ist eine Odyssee der Entdeckung. Eine Symphonie von Anblicken und Klängen, die einen unauslöschlichen Eindruck hinterlässt und Reisende dazu verleitet, in das Herz von Antalya einzutauchen. Für diejenigen, die eine tiefgreifende Exploration suchen, bei der jeder Moment ein Kapitel in einer epischen Geschichte ist, ist die Antalya City Tour von Belek aus ein absolutes Muss. #AntalyaCityTour #BelekAbenteuer #ZeitloseOdyssee #KulturelleErkundung"
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antalya city tour

An Exquisite Antalya City Tour Unveiled from Belek's Gateway"

Embarking on the Antalya City Tour from Belek was a transformative odyssey that surpassed all expectations, unfolding Antalya's rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. From the majestic Hadrian's Gate, standing as a sentinel of antiquity, to the labyrinthine alleys of the Old Town exuding timeless charm, every step resonated with the echoes of civilizations past. The guides, not mere conveyors of facts but impassioned storytellers, brought the city's narratives to life, creating an immersive experience that transcended traditional sightseeing.As we traversed through the centuries, the tour seamlessly wove together the ancient and the modern, offering glimpses of Antalya's diverse facets. The kaleidoscope of colors in the bazaars, the whispers of history echoing through the ancient structures, and the warm hospitality of the locals all contributed to an enriching expedition.One cannot overlook the breathtaking landscapes that unfolded, captivating the senses at every turn. From the azure hues of the Mediterranean Sea to the lush greenery framing the city, Antalya's natural beauty served as a backdrop to its historical grandeur.This city tour is not merely a journey; it's an odyssey of discovery. A symphony of sights and sounds that leaves an indelible mark, beckoning travelers to delve into the heart of Antalya. For those seeking a profound exploration where each moment is a chapter in an epic tale, the Antalya City Tour from Belek is an absolute must. #AntalyaCityTour #BelekAdventure #TimelessOdyssey #CulturalExploration
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From: €0,00
5 (33 Reviews)



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