Goynuk Canyon Tour in Kemer

5 (31 Reviews)
Kemer, Antalya
From: €40,00
(31 reviews)

4 Hours

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

45 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this tour

Starting Place: Beldibi, Göynük, Kemer, Kiriş, Çamyuva, Tekirova

Tour Location: Göynük

Included Services: Transfer and Canyon Entrance Fee

Not Included Services: Activities in the Canyon Extra Charged

Tour Start Time: 13:00- 13:15

Tour Finish Time: 17:45- 18:00

Notes: Guests wishing to swim can bring towels and swimsuits.

Tour guidance and welcome:  English , Turkish , German , Russian

Reservation confirmation:  Instant confirmation

Printed or mobile coupon: Both are accepted

Easy Online Reservation: Fast, Easy and SSL Secure Reservation

Cancellation policy:  Flexible

Wheelchair accessible:  Available

Experience:  No experience required

Skip ticket queue:  Available




  • Transfer
  • Canyon Entrance Fee
  • Activities in the Canyon Extra Charged


With the Göynük canyon tour, the nature in the canyon will show you its beauty before you even reach the canyon. You will witness the beauties of nature from its immediate surroundings and you will wonder what the inside of the canyon is like. Göynük Canyon hosts rafting activities, nature walks and trekking activities in summer, and hosts millions of tourists. The natural beauty of the canyon, mountain views, naturally formed pools, nature and greenery everywhere are spoken by the visitors. In this way, it is becoming more and more familiar day by day.

Picking up our guests from the hotel.






Daily Tour

Tour's Location

Kemer, Antalya


(31 Reviews)
Very Good
31 reviews on this Tour - Showing 22 to 24
göynük canyon tour in kemer
Wycieczka Do Kanionu Goynuk w Kemerze była prawdziwą przyjemnością, oferującą doskonałe połączenie przygody i naturalnego piękna. Od malowniczej przejażdżki po fascynujący szlak przez kanion, każda chwila była pełna zachwytu i wdzięczności za cuda otaczającej przyrody.Podróż rozpoczęła się malowniczą przejażdżką do Kanionu Goynuk, gdzie nieskazitelne piękno otoczenia zapierało dech w piersiach. Przejrzyste wody, wysokie klify i bujna zieleń stworzyły niezapomnianą scenerię do eksploracji.Wędrówka przez kanion dostarczyła zarówno ekscytacji, jak i orzeźwienia. Przechodzenie przez chłodzące wody, pokonywanie skalistego terenu i odkrywanie ukrytych miejsc dodawało wyprawie uczucia odkrywania. Profesjonalni przewodnicy dbali o nasze bezpieczeństwo, jednocześnie dzieląc się cennymi informacjami na temat flory i fauny regionu.Kulminacyjnym punktem wycieczki była przygoda w kanionie - zjazd wodospadami i pływanie w naturalnych basenach, co dodawało ekscytującego twistu całej podróży.Dla tych, którzy szukają przygody w otoczeniu piękna natury, Wycieczka Do Kanionu Goynuk w Kemerze to doskonały wybór.#WycieczkaDoKanionuGoynuk #PrzygodaWKemerze #EksploracjaNatury 🏞️🚶‍♂️
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göynük canyon tour in kemer
Embarking on the Goynuk Canyon Tour in Kemer was an absolute delight, offering a perfect blend of adventure and natural splendor. From the scenic drive to the captivating hike through the canyon, every moment was filled with awe and appreciation for the wonders of the outdoors.The journey commenced with a picturesque drive to Goynuk Canyon, where the pristine beauty of the surroundings took our breath away. The clear waters, towering cliffs, and lush greenery set the stage for an unforgettable exploration.The hike through the canyon provided both excitement and rejuvenation. Crossing through refreshing waters, navigating rocky terrain, and discovering hidden gems along the way added a sense of discovery to the experience. The professional guides ensured our safety while sharing insightful information about the region's flora and fauna.The pinnacle of the tour was the canyoning adventure, descending waterfalls and swimming in natural pools, which added an exhilarating twist to the overall journey.For those in search of an adventure immersed in nature's beauty, the Goynuk Canyon Tour in Kemer is a top-notch choice. #GoynukCanyonTour #KemerAdventure #NatureExploration 🏞️🚶‍♂️
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göynük canyon tour in kemer
The Goynuk Canyon Tour in Kemer was a truly enchanting experience that immersed us in the beauty of nature. From the beginning to the end, this adventure was a perfect blend of excitement and tranquility, making it a must-try for anyone who appreciates the wonders of the outdoors.The journey started with a scenic drive to Goynuk Canyon, where we were greeted by the awe-inspiring scenery. The crystal-clear waters, towering cliffs, and lush greenery created a mesmerizing backdrop for exploration.The hike through the canyon was both thrilling and refreshing. Crossing through cool waters, navigating rocky terrains, and uncovering hidden gems along the way added a sense of discovery to the adventure. The professional guides not only ensured our safety but also shared fascinating information about the flora and fauna of the region.The highlight of the tour was the canyoning experience, where we descended waterfalls and swam in natural pools, adding an extra layer of excitement to the journey.For those seeking an unforgettable nature adventure, the Goynuk Canyon Tour in Kemer is a five-star experience.#GoynukCanyonTour #KemerAdventure #NatureExploration 🏞️🚶‍♂️
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From: €40,00
5 (31 Reviews)



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