Pamukkale Day Tour from Side & 2 Day

5 (34 Reviews)
Pamukkale, Denizli
From: €0,00
(34 reviews)

2 Day

Tour Type

Specific Tour

Group Size

45 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this tour

Embark on a remarkable journey to Pamukkale, also known as the “Cotton Castle,” a truly extraordinary natural wonder that captivates visitors from around the world. This two-day tour offers you the opportunity to explore the stunning beauty of Pamukkale and immerse yourself in its rich history.


  • Accommodation in the hotel ;
  • Dinner, breakfast (at hotel);
  • Transfer;
  • Insurance;
  • Air-conditioned bus;
  • English speaking guide.
  • Breakfast at the first day
  • Beverages
  • Lunch 1.2 days (beverages excluded);
  • Ticket to Pamukkale/Hierapolis;
  • Tickets to Cleopatra Pool (in Pamukkale);
  • Tickets to Karahayit thermal springs;
  • Paragliding flight;
  • Single room in the hotel (extra 10 euro).


Day 1: Upon arrival, you will witness the mesmerizing sight of Pamukkale's terraces, created by the flowing thermal waters over thousands of years. These unique terraces, made of calcium carbonate, give the appearance of a cascading white castle, hence the name "Cotton Castle." You'll have the chance to walk barefoot on the travertine terraces, enjoying the soothing sensation of the warm mineral-rich waters. Discover the healing properties of these waters, which have been renowned since ancient times. Next, we'll explore the ancient city of Hierapolis, once a thriving Roman spa town. Stroll through the ruins and marvel at the well-preserved structures, including the theater, necropolis, and ancient thermal baths. Learn about the significant role Hierapolis played in the spread of Christianity and the martyrdom of Saint Philip. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the famous Cleopatra Pool, where ancient columns and warm mineral water create a unique and rejuvenating experience. After a full day of exploration, we'll check into a comfortable hotel in the Pamukkale area, where you can relax and recharge for the next day's adventures. Day 2: On the second day, we'll visit the nearby town of Karahayit, known for its five thermal springs rich in ferric oxide. These hot springs are believed to have healing properties and are known to benefit various ailments, including cardiovascular issues, rheumatic diseases, and skin conditions. Take a dip in the warm therapeutic waters, which can help relax your muscles and promote overall well-being. As the tour concludes, you'll depart Pamukkale with a profound appreciation for its natural beauty and historical significance. Pamukkale has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1988, and this tour allows you to witness its splendor firsthand. Throughout the journey, experienced guides will provide fascinating insights into the geological wonders, historical background, and cultural significance of Pamukkale. Comfortable accommodation, transportation, and meals are included to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience. Embark on this two-day Pamukkale Tour and create lasting memories of this extraordinary destination.

Pick up from Hotel

Day 1: Pick up from Hotel; breakfast break; Panoramic break at Denizli; Visit at textile factory; Lunch break (open buffet, beverages excluded); A stay in the hotel; Possible paragliding flight; Visit at the Pamukkale (Hierapolis, travertines, Cleopatra Pool) – free time; Dinner at the hotel (beverages excluded) Day 2: Breakfast in the hotel (beverages included); Departure from the hotel; Arrival to hot springs Karahayit; An introduction to Anatolian Stones; Lunch break (open buffet, beverages excluded);






Culture Tour

Tour's Location

Pamukkale, Denizli


(34 Reviews)
Very Good
34 reviews on this Tour - Showing 1 to 3
Pamukkale Day Tour from Side & 2 Day

An Enthralling Day Tour from Side and Extended 2-Day Adventure!

Embarking on the Pamukkale Day Tour from Side, followed by an extended 2-day adventure, was an absolute revelation! 🌄 This journey whisked me away to the mesmerizing travertine terraces and ancient ruins of Hierapolis, creating an immersive experience that went beyond the ordinary. From the therapeutic thermal pools of Pamukkale to the historical wonders of Hierapolis, every moment was a captivating exploration.Extending the adventure to 2 days allowed for a deeper dive into the rich history and natural beauty of the region. The guides were not just knowledgeable; they were passionate narrators, infusing the journey with fascinating stories and historical insights.The surreal landscapes of Pamukkale, coupled with the historical treasures, make this tour a must for those seeking a perfect blend of relaxation, history, and natural wonders. 🗺️✨ Highly recommend this tour for an unforgettable Pamukkale experience! #PamukkaleDayTour #SideToPamukkale #HistoricalWonders #NaturalBeauty
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Pamukkale Day Tour from Side & 2 Day

Eine Faszinierende Tagesreise von Side und Erweitertes 2-tägiges Abenteuer!

An der Pamukkale-Tagestour von Side teilzunehmen und sie auf ein 2-tägiges Abenteuer auszudehnen, war eine absolute Offenbarung! 🌄 Diese Reise entführte mich zu den faszinierenden Travertinterrassen und den antiken Ruinen von Hierapolis, und schuf ein immersives Erlebnis, das über das Gewöhnliche hinausging. Von den heilenden Thermalpools von Pamukkale bis zu den historischen Wundern von Hierapolis war jeder Moment eine fesselnde Erkundung.Die Verlängerung des Abenteuers auf 2 Tage ermöglichte ein tieferes Eintauchen in die reiche Geschichte und die natürliche Schönheit der Region. Die Guides waren nicht nur informativ, sondern auch leidenschaftlich darum bemüht, die Geschichten zu teilen, die Pamukkale und Hierapolis wirklich außergewöhnlich machen.Die surrealen Landschaften von Pamukkale, gepaart mit den historischen Schätzen, machen diese Tour zu einem Muss für diejenigen, die eine perfekte Mischung aus Entspannung, Geschichte und Naturwundern suchen. 🗺️✨ Ich empfehle diese Tour wärmstens für ein unvergessliches Pamukkale-Erlebnis! #PamukkaleTagesausflug #SideNachPamukkale #HistorischeWunder #NaturSchönheiten
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Pamukkale Day Tour from Side & 2 Day

Fascynująca Jednodniowa Wycieczka z Side i Rozszerzone Dwudniowe Przygody!

Wzięcie udziału w Jednodniowej Wycieczce do Pamukkale z Side, a następnie przedłużenie jej na 2 dni, to było absolutne odkrycie! 🌄 Ta podróż przeniosła mnie do hipnotyzujących tarasów wapiennych i starożytnych ruin Hierapolis, tworząc pełne immersyjne doświadczenie, które wykraczało poza zwyczajne. Od terapeutycznych basenów termalnych w Pamukkale po historyczne cuda Hierapolis, każdy moment był fascynującym odkrywaniem.Rozszerzenie przygody na 2 dni pozwoliło na głębsze zanurzenie się w bogatą historię i naturalne piękno regionu. Przewodnicy byli nie tylko informacyjni, ale także pełni pasji do dzielenia się historiami, które czynią Pamukkale i Hierapolis naprawdę niezwykłymi.Surrealistyczne krajobrazy Pamukkale, połączone z historycznymi skarbami, czynią tę wycieczkę obowiązkową dla tych, którzy poszukują doskonałego połączenia relaksu, historii i cudów natury. 🗺️✨ Szczerze polecam tę wycieczkę dla niezapomnianego doświadczenia Pamukkale! #PamukkaleDayTour #SideDoPamukkale #CudaHistorii #PięknoNatury
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From: €0,00
5 (34 Reviews)



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