Tour from Antalya to Istanbul

5 (33 Reviews)
İstanbul, Turkey
From: €225,00
(33 reviews)

1 Day

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

45 people


English, German, Russian, Turkish

About this tour

Tour days: Wednesday, saturday

Embark on a captivating journey with our Tour from Antalya to Istanbul, starting from the enchanting town of Side. This meticulously planned excursion offers travelers an exceptional opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and vibrant city life of Turkey, from the serene beaches of Antalya to the bustling streets of Istanbul. Our “Tour from Antalya to Istanbul” is designed to provide an immersive experience, showcasing the contrasts and beauty of Turkey’s coastal magnificence and its historical urban heart.

Departing from Side, our tour begins with a scenic drive through the picturesque landscapes of Antalya, a region renowned for its ancient ruins, azure waters, and lush greenery. As we make our way to Istanbul, you will witness the seamless blend of history and modernity that defines this iconic city. Explore the architectural marvels of the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, wander through the bustling Grand Bazaar, and cruise along the Bosphorus Strait, offering panoramic views of the city’s skyline.

This tour is not just a journey between two cities; it’s an exploration of Turkey’s soul, offering insights into its rich history, culinary delights, and warm hospitality. The Tour from Antalya to Istanbul, starting from Side, promises an unforgettable adventure through Turkey’s most beloved destinations, making it a perfect choice for those looking to experience the best of both worlds. Join us on this remarkable journey and create memories that will last a lifetime.


  • Reservation confirmation: Instant confirmation
  • Printed or mobile coupon: Both are accepted
  • Easy Online Reservation: Fast, Easy and SSL Secure Reservation
  • Cancellation policy: Flexible
  • Wheelchair accessible: Available
  • Experience: No experience required
  • Skip ticket queue: Available


  • Pick up and bus transfers
  • Entrance fee to Topkapi royal palace
  • Tour guiding
  • Domestic flight tickets from/to Antalya
  • Entrance fee to Harem in Topkapi palace
  • Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner
  • Drinks and personal expences
  • Bosphorus cruise
  • Without shopping


Tour from Antalya to Istanbul program is organized as follows;

Hotel Pickups: Pick up from all hotels in Side, Alanya, Belek, Antalya, and Kemer. This ensures convenience for all participants in the Antalya region.

Transfer to Antalya Airport: Guests are transferred to Antalya airport's domestic terminal, facilitating a smooth journey to Istanbul.

Domestic Flight to Istanbul: The flight to Istanbul is included, ensuring a hassle-free start to the adventure.

Bus Transfer in Istanbul: Upon arrival, a bus transfer takes guests to the Sultanahmet area, the heart of Istanbul's historical district.

Visits in Sultanahmet:Blue Mosque visit (alternative Suleymaniye Mosque if the Blue Mosque is under restoration). Time at Coliseum Square and free time at Sultanahmet Square for exploration.

Lunch: Guests have free time for lunch in the Sultanahmet area (lunch cost not included).

Topkapi Royal Residence: Visit the historic Topkapi Palace, a key cultural and historical site.

Egyptian Bazaar: Enjoy free time exploring the vibrant Egyptian Bazaar, a haven for shoppers and culture enthusiasts.

Optional Activities: Bosphorus Cruise Ship (optional for an additional experience of Istanbul from the water).
Dinner at Kumkapi (optional for a taste of local cuisine in a renowned seafood district).

Return Flight to Antalya: The flight back to Antalya is included, marking the end of the Istanbul exploration.

Bus Transfer to Hotels: A bus transfer back to hotels in Antalya region wraps up the day, ensuring guests return comfortably.

Tour Timing: The tour starts at 08:00 and concludes approximately at 22:00, offering a full day of exploration and discovery.

All the hotels in Antalya. All the Hotels in Side. All the Hotels in Alanya. All the Hotels in Kemer. All the Hotels in Belek. All the Hotels between Alanya and Side. We do pick up everywhere and all the hotels in Antalya region.

Ensure you wear comfy footwear and carry a hat along with ample sunscreen for protection.

This excursion may not be suitable for individuals who face challenges with mobility.

On the day of the journey, it's essential to have a valid passport with you.






City Tour

Tour's Location

İstanbul, Turkey


(33 Reviews)
Very Good
33 reviews on this Tour - Showing 1 to 3
daily trip to antalya from antalya
🚗✨ This meticulously designed tour promises a seamless blend of ancient wonders, picturesque landscapes, and the vibrant energy of Istanbul.Begin your adventure in Antalya, where the echoes of the past resonate through the charming Old Town and ancient ruins. As you traverse towards Istanbul, be captivated by the ever-changing landscapes, each revealing a new facet of Turkey's natural beauty.Upon arriving in Istanbul, dive into the captivating synthesis of tradition and modern life. Explore iconic landmarks like the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and the bustling Grand Bazaar, each a chapter in the rich tapestry of the city's history. A leisurely stroll along the Bosphorus provides breathtaking views, inviting you to witness the unique charm of Istanbul.Savor the diverse flavors of Turkish cuisine, a culinary journey reflecting the country's cultural richness. Whether you're captivated by ancient ruins, enchanted by scenic vistas, or absorbed in the cosmopolitan ambiance of Istanbul, the Antalya to Istanbul tour promises an expedition filled with exploration and wonder. 🌍🏛️ #AntalyaToIstanbul #TurkeyJourney #CulturalExploration
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daily trip to antalya from antalya
Inled en oförglömlig resa från Antalya till Istanbul, där historia, kultur och modernitet väver samman i en fängslande berättelse! 🚗✨ Denna noggrant utformade tur lovar en sömlös blandning av antika underverk, pittoreska landskap och Istanbuls pulserande energi.Börja ditt äventyr i Antalya, där ekot av det förflutna resoneras genom de charmiga gränderna i Gamla stan och de antika ruinerna. Under resan till Istanbul låt de varierande landskapen förtrolla dig, var och en av dem avslöjar en ny sida av Turkiets naturliga skönhet.Vid ankomsten till Istanbul fördjupa dig i den fängslande sammansättningen av tradition och det moderna livet. Utforska ikoniska landmärken som Hagia Sophia, Blå moskén och den livliga Grand Bazaar, var och en berättar en del av stadens rika historia. En lugn promenad längs Bosporen ger enastående vyer och låter dig uppleva Istanbuls unika charm.Njut av de läckra smakerna av turkisk mat, där varje rätt speglar landets kulturella rikedom. Oavsett om du fascineras av antika ruiner, förtrollas av pittoreska vyer eller uppslukas av Istanbuls kosmopolitiska atmosfär, lovar turen från Antalya till Istanbul en resa fylld med upptäckter och under. 🌍🏛️ #AntalyaTillIstanbul #TurkietÄventyr #KulturellExpedition
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daily trip to antalya from antalya
Ta starannie zaplanowana trasa obiecuje harmonijną mieszankę starożytnych cudów, malowniczych krajobrazów i energii Stambułu.Zacznij swoją przygodę w Antalyi, gdzie echa przeszłości rozbrzmiewają w urokliwej starej części miasta i ruinach antycznych. Podczas podróży do Stambułu zafascynuj się różnorodnymi krajobrazami, każdy z nich odsłania nowy aspekt naturalnego piękna Turcji.Po przyjeździe do Stambułu zanurz się w fascynującej syntezie tradycji i współczesnego życia. Zwiedź ikoniczne miejsca takie jak Hagia Sophia, Błękitna Meczet i tętniący życiem Wielki Bazar, z każdym z nich opowieść o bogatej historii miasta. Spokojny spacer wzdłuż Bosforu oferuje zapierające dech w piersiach widoki, pozwalając ci doświadczyć unikalnego uroku Stambułu.Delektuj się różnorodnymi smakami tureckiej kuchni, delektując się daniami odzwierciedlającymi bogactwo kulturowe kraju. Bez względu na to, czy fascynujesz się antycznymi ruinami, zachwycając się malowniczymi widokami, czy absorbujesz kosmopolityczną atmosferę Stambułu, trasa z Antalyi do Stambułu obiecuje wyprawę pełną odkryć i cudów. 🌍🏛️ #AntalyaDoStambułu #PrzygodaWTurcji #KulturalnaEkspedycja
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From: €225,00
5 (33 Reviews)



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